My life is banal, really.
I mean... I'm 25 and I still don't know what to do with my hair. And it bothers me because now I'm developing an obsession with beanies, obsession that makes me more lazy every day.
So in order to avoid being banal, I wear different socks every day. 

Anyway, I have a dog. His name is Totem, but my brother wanted to call him Terminator or Testicle. 
It looks like I have a nose the size of Texas, but in reality it's a little bit smaller.
I'm convinced that the only purpose of dentists being on Earth is to terrorize me.
Once, I swam in a fountain in Paris. It was winter.
Ally McBeal is the best TV show ever. Period.
I (may) have a passion for typography (also for music) (and writing too).
Also, cheese is life (and no, cheddar is not cheese).

Oh, and I write things, sometimes I even write them in my blog. How cool is that ?!


PS : Also I'm French, so I can make a lot of mistakes (wait until you can hear my accent...) aaaand I'm sorry about that.

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